Saturday, August 31, 2013

Okay,'s time for a real talk!

If this kid makes me hold out forever like his sisters did, I am going to have a fit! ha! I'm 39 weeks and still trucking along...all big and pregnant! ;)
His room is all done and ready...

 We even have his little bag and car seat packed and ready to go...
 The girls painted pictures for his room! :)
 Now, we just impatiently await his arrival! :) In all my glory at 39 weeks! ha!
Dear sweet Lawson...I have had my roots done, had a pedicure and manicure (the important stuff to have done before his arrival-ha!), our house is ready, your bottles are ready, your clothes are washed, your sisters want to meet you, the whole town is on baby watch, along with everyone in Dixon, KY and southern IN! ha! I am willing to hold out until Sept. 11, ONLY because that is your Grandpa's birthday (and I think it would be great to have a boy, named after my Dad, on his birthday) but the painful contractions and sleepless nights, really have me hoping you don't make me wait too much past 40 weeks!!

Everyone has their theory and guess as to when he will be here, but I truly have no idea! I have my next appt. on Thursday, the 5th, and while I am hoping I don't make it until then, I will not be at all surprised if I do and if I simply get another, 'see you next week!' from the doctor! UGH!!! haha! I really do feel pretty good still, and between the girls and work and every day life and activities, the days go by quickly. And, while I know he will be here in about 2 weeks or less (whether he wants to be or not-ha!), the waiting is SO hard!! ha! As different as I have felt, I didn't think he would hold out as long as the girls did, but now I am not so sure. I'm guessing I have the world's most comfy uterus or something! haha! But, in all seriousness, I am just so thankful that he is healthy, I am healthy and he is getting bigger every day. I went into labor on my own with both girls, so I am hopeful that I will do the same this time, and I just hope and pray for a smooth/healthy delivery and baby! It will be here before we know it!! :)

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About Me

Welcome to our life! :) Our life seems to be a constant 3 ring circus these days, but we have a lot of fun, laugh a lot and enjoy every minute of it (okay...almost every minute-haha!) Scott and I have been married for almost 9 years, and we are the parents of 2 amazing daughters, and another little one on the way. This blog is a way to keep in touch with family and friends. It also serves as a 'year book' of sorts for our family. Enjoy!!