Wednesday, January 21, 2009


I am slacking. I just looked at our blog and the last pictures on here are from a week ago. We have been pretty busy this week. Between dance, me trying to get more time in at the gym, Scott now going to the chiropractor (which I have NEVER been so sick of hearing about something, as I am of hearing about his neck pain!..ugh! if this guy helps him, I might just have to drive there and give him a big hug and a kiss...haha!), other Dr. appts, and just life with a 3 yr. old and a 4mo. old, our 'free time' is filling up quicker than ever. Scott also had a 4 day weekend and when he is home, we seem to fill up our days a little more, doing things that we need to get done, etc. Saturday we went to a bday party in a town a little over an hour away, Sunday Gi-gi and Goggy came to visit and Monday we ventured out for some shopping. Nothing more exhausting than all of us out shopping for hours. My cousin has 4 daughters and she and her husband joke that trying to get their girls anywhere in a timely manner is like herding just doesn't happen! haha! Well, that is sort of how things are with me and the girls. We drive Scott CRAZY, but he hung in there with us on Monday, with very little complaining. I think he is just finally accepting his fate! ha! :)

The girls with Goggy and Gi-gi!

Some sisterly love!!

Awww, a kiss for her big sister! ha!
They look VERY guilty in this picture. Maybe Abby was helping Olivia with her newest adventure...escaping from the Bumbo. I swear, we thought Abby was a crazy baby, but she pales in comparison to Olivia. She is all over the place and can get away or get out of just about anything you put her in. You should have seen her destroy the miracle blanket (that they say babies can't get out of...HA!) She was out of it in 5min. She's a little houdini. Should be interesting when she starts crawling and walking! HELP! haha!

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About Me

Welcome to our life! :) Our life seems to be a constant 3 ring circus these days, but we have a lot of fun, laugh a lot and enjoy every minute of it (okay...almost every minute-haha!) Scott and I have been married for almost 9 years, and we are the parents of 2 amazing daughters, and another little one on the way. This blog is a way to keep in touch with family and friends. It also serves as a 'year book' of sorts for our family. Enjoy!!