Saturday, January 16, 2010


Last week was snow week. It was so cold most of the time snow was on the ground we couldn't take the girls out, but we did get a little play time in!

Liv LOVED it!! It was her first time playing in snow. She would have stayed out all day!

Abby loves snow, too. They are ready made for the slopes! :)

Scott tried to pull them with Abby holding Liv in her lap...yeah, that didn't so much happen. She was out in about 10sec. haha!

She did great by herself, though, and loved it just as much as her big sister does!

Go, Abby! Scott is so wild with her on that thing! He pulls her so fast, over hills, etc. Makes me a nervous wreck but she hangs in there!

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About Me

Welcome to our life! :) Our life seems to be a constant 3 ring circus these days, but we have a lot of fun, laugh a lot and enjoy every minute of it (okay...almost every minute-haha!) Scott and I have been married for almost 9 years, and we are the parents of 2 amazing daughters, and another little one on the way. This blog is a way to keep in touch with family and friends. It also serves as a 'year book' of sorts for our family. Enjoy!!