Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Gettin' our move!

We FINALLY have DSL!! YAY!! The blog is back, baby! hahaha!

I briefed everyone on the move already, so I will share the good times and pictures now. :-) We really do LOVE our house and the town/neighborhood. Abby and I have been busy getting to know our new area and see what we can find to get into. We got her library card this week, went swimming with some neighbors, and.....FOUND A COFFEE SHOP! WAHOO! hahaha! Granted, we still have to drive 15min. to get there, but it's better than almost 30min. AND, the nice people at the coffee shop told us about an awesome new park. We checked it out, too and had a blast. are some pics from the move.

Abby's tent!
Uncle Jeff had just finished putting up her big girl bed and was taking her to see it for the first time.
It passed the test! :-)

Abby helping the guys put her new chest of drawers together. She is SUCH a big helper and will happily tell you what a good helper she is, too! :-)

Thanks again to everyone who helped all weekend!

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About Me

Welcome to our life! :) Our life seems to be a constant 3 ring circus these days, but we have a lot of fun, laugh a lot and enjoy every minute of it (okay...almost every minute-haha!) Scott and I have been married for almost 9 years, and we are the parents of 2 amazing daughters, and another little one on the way. This blog is a way to keep in touch with family and friends. It also serves as a 'year book' of sorts for our family. Enjoy!!