BOY!!!! What?!?!?! Yes, we are still in shock! ha! But, very excited. :) We went to my big u/s on Monday, and I was already feeling like I didn't want to wait. Scott was actually fine with not waiting so we ended up caving and got the shocking news! We wanted to surprise the girls that day after school so we made sure we called our parents and siblings to tell them the exciting news and then we headed out to get a Baby Boy balloon!
Anxious for their surprise!
They are pumped! This baby boy will be so spoiled, it's not even funny! :) Liv wanted to surprise Abby with the announcement her arrival again! haha! Don't worry, Liv...we are still reeling from your arrival! :)
Insert little mini Scott here....
19 weeks along with Baby Boy!!! I look just like I did with the girls, though. Everyone keeps asking if I am carrying differently. Not at all.
And, with our growing family, we needed a bigger ride. I'm now a REAL Mom...a van driving Mom! haha! I actually love it, and love having all the room. So nice for hauling extra kiddos and when we go to visit family, which is alot.
And, other big news around here, this sweet 7yr old got glasses! She loves them, and hopefully they will be a huge help with her headaches. I think they are the most darling things I have ever seen! :)
Additional baby news...
*Scott is really in shock/denial/what ever you want to call it about the baby being a boy. He is convinced it will still come out a girl. haha! I, of course, had to run to the store for some boy shopping and I officially hate boy clothing. I am just way too picky. But, I did end up finding some really cute stuff that I love. Anyone with boys, where are the best places to shop? My general rules: no character stuff, no cheesy sayings, no trucks or vehicles of any kind, animals must be something sweet and clever (frogs, ducks, etc. are no's) and no sports apparel (nothing with logos or All Star...he is a baby, not an athlete). See...I'm too picky! haha! :)
*And, we just can't have a stress free pregnancy, and this one is no different. We got some news from the u/s that has this Momma freaking out, so if you are a prayerful person, please send them up for us. I again have problems with the way my placenta is positioned. I did with Liv also but was never placed on any restrictions and it corrected itself by 28 weeks. This time around, I am on some restrictions (which royally stink!): no lifting more than 10-15lbs, take it easy, scale down workouts, etc. But, I am not terribly worried about it. I am hopeful it will again correct itself before birth. We also found out that our sweet boy (who is nameless, so if have any good suggestions, fire away! :), but we found out the baby has hydronephrosis, which is essentially enlarged kidneys (or his renal cavity measured a little large). They have assured me this is common amongst boys, and often it corrects itself or is not actually an issue at all. But, I do go back for more extensive testing on that, also. *sigh* I am trying to stay hopeful that all will be well with that, also.